It's a cake walk..

Cakes and shoes.

Some of our very favourites things. Now imagine if you put those two together…

Eeeek it’s a cake shoe. But I’m pretty sure you can’t eat them.

They are the creation of student Tal Maslavi for his Graduate show at the Shenkar College of Engineering and design.

The young Israeli fashion design student showed black leather derbys with missing chunks on the toe section, exposing convincing cuts of layer cake.

The shoes which are still prototypes came in variety of flavours - Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry.

Looking at the large ‘bite’ out of the chocolate ones, makes me wonder where the wearers toes would be.

Talking about his creations, Maslavi said -

‘I made the shoes thinking about life today, it is not clear what is real and what is not, the image is not clear. For me, cakes have become a symbol of fakeness. Because of the hundreds of videos and chefs making cakes that looked like something real.’

Oh Tal, you couldn’t be more wrong. Cakes are a symbol of love and comfort and indulgence. I can’t imagine any situation that couldn’t be made better with the addition of cake.

Right I’m off to make a cup of tea and try to track down some cake goodness.

Queen Marie
