Space Voyage

So, who's sick to death of galaxy/nebula print? Not me! I still love it and I am wearing my Black Milk Galaxies as I type. But we are seeing it on everything so perhaps it's not quite as fresh as it once was. None the less, come winter I'll be enjoying dressing head to toe in space again, as I've done previously (but much too lazy to find the outfit post).

I think I might start things off with some galaxy print tights from Shadow Play NYC on Etsy. This little label only do galaxy print. They obviously love it more than me.

The shapes of the garments they create are very simple and perhaps a little expensive considering this, but it may be the case the fabric quality makes up for it. I can't say either way, looking at the images, so perhaps just enjoy the print.

I really like the black dress with the moon, as is a pleasingly different take on the space theme. That will set you back around £114. Had it had a more involved design, I would have considered buying it. 

Queen Michelle