hit or miss...
Better late than never, I've finally had a good prowl through Miss Vogue.
I've read quite a few negative things about it but I have to say, if I was a young fashionable lady then I would be quite taken with it.
Complete with model du jour Cara D on the cover, and a charming picture of a young 15 year old Ms Shulman in the introduction, the whole thing read well and looked like - well just like grown up vogue to be honest.
Articles from Tavi about wearing crowns and a look at the mood boards of Meadham Kirchoff were among the things I read fist. How can you not love a designer who says that "tinsel should be used all year" Preaching to the choir Ed!
But (and it's quite a big but)
I'm not without my concerns...
I'm all for aspirational fashion. Hell, I've lived my whole adult life in pursuit of of aspirational inspiring fashion. Now with a mortgage to pay on my own I'm a whole lot more sensible. But have I lived on tomato soup in the past, just so that I could buy that Prada coat? Of course I have.
But the difference was, I wasn't a 15 year old girl.
While there are some high street items as well as a good spread of high street advertisers through the magazine, there is massive use of items, that even I, with a full time job, would struggle to buy right now.
An £800 Watanabe Nylon Jacket, a plastic Furla bag at £300, a Tom Binns necklace at £405. It just goes on and on...
Yes the spreads are colourful, fun and vibrant but this is aspirational taken to a dangerous level.
For a regular teenage girl (not an 18 year old Russian with a bodyguard) what kind of dreams are these to spread beneath her young feet?
I don't have the answer but all I do know, is that this taste of young sweet fashion, has a left a slightly sour taste in my mouth...
Queen Marie