blue for you..

For the last couple of years my winter tartans have all been red...

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 So this year I felt it was time for a change.

I happily admit that I don't wear tartan in a "fashionable" way.  More old lady than edgy, it always veers towards cozy pensioner. Thanks to my trusty charoit, I don't need all my coats to be super warm. I can easily get away with a thinner coat or even a wrap or throw. Which is just as well because I found the most perfect hooded cape from John Morrison Kiltmakers in a muted blue Stewart Tartan

I don't wear a lot of blue but somehow the cream in this one makes it ok on me. It is very fine wool making it super warm but not bulky. It was also a total bargain ( which is just as well, as I fear within the month I could be back in red...) 



Looking at these shots, it's no wonder I don't do outfit shots. I made every stupid mistake in the book with these, with the self timer set wrong, I managed to keep cutting off the top of my head and when I wasn't doing that I had metal poles coming out of my head. Doh.

Next week I think I'll mix it up with some trees coming out of the top of my head .



Queen Marie