sneakers and airships...
Before I start, I feel it only right I give you fair warning - it's all about feet this week! Queen Michelle and I are once again in the grip of shoe madness.
Prowling around the shoes in net a porter the other night, it suddenly struck me how much the NIKE LunarElite Sky Hi's reminded me of the Graf Zeppelin
Feet like the Graf Zeppelin
Now even for me, that's quite a leap.
While I'm no fan of the wedge sneaker, I do have a romantic weakness for airships....
Unlike Queen Michelle I am not a big fan of a wedge sneaker but there can be no doubt that wedge sneakers are here to stay.
The Lunar Elite Sky Hi features a chunky application of Nike Lunar across the bottom, which raises them up quite a bit higher than your standard running shoe. 2 inches higher to be exact!
They have also ended up as the lightest ever of Nike wedges thanks to the foamy treatment on the sole. They had their exclusive debut in December on Net-a-Porter.
Trainers and sneakers are everywhere right now, stepping up and out of the gym and into peoples fashion wardrobes. With a constant flux of limited editions and an ever increasing number of labels joining in the fun, it's pretty safe to say that the multi million industry is set to keep on growing as 'fashion trainers' become a 'fashion staple'
While it's pretty safe to say I won't be wearing these any time soon, I do so love the colour and steamlined swoosh of the sole...
Queen Marie