Melody the mermaid...



Morning Melody a little Blabla Movie from blabla kids on Vimeo.

 Everyone loves a mermaid especially one as charming as Melody and her friend Harmony...

Melody is not your average mermaid. She lives in the City on the 5th floor in a fishbowl apartment. She takes the elevator every day to teach diving lessons to the neighborhood fish crackers!

Picture 2



They are just two of the most wonderful knitted dolls from the glorious Blabla Kids.If you are looking for a very special gift for a special small person ( or a young at heart big person) then Blabla should be your first stop!

It was created in 2001 by Susan Pritchett and Florence Wetterwald, two good friends with the same philosophy of life and beauty.​ ​

 While visiting Peru,​ ​they​ ​came across entire villages of ​expert ​knitters​who ​had been keeping the tradition alive for generations.​ ​Inspired by their ​talent and ​touched by their ​gentle ​spirit,​ ​​they decided to start their own company of knitted products for children​ and have​ ​now​ ​been collaborating with the same artisans for​ ​over a decade.​​

Their  little movie about Melody above  is about her waking up, playing in the shower, and getting ready for her day. Flo wrote and directed the movie, and Maria did the animation and editing. They built the sets and the props in their usual blabla handmade style, with cardboard, clay and papier maché. The music is an old song "La Mer" (The Sea) by Charles Trenet. All the sound effects were made in house with kids from their neighborhood...







If mermaids and unicorns don't hit the spot ( although I would find that hard to believe!) they have dolls in all sizes and shapes. You are sure to find the perfect one...

Picture 1

Picture 3

With a commitment to fair trade, and keeping environmental awareness in mind, ​blabla's mission is to continue to inspire joy and laughter.​ ​​

 Which I'm sure will agree is a very wonderful mission indeed...

Queen Marie
