sitting on the big knitting...


This is the 'Urchin'  pouf.

A handknitted stool by Dutch designer Christien Meindertsma that is made on knitting kneedles the size of broomsticks! That's what I call extreme knitting...



Christien Meindertsma graduated from the Eindhoven Design Academy in 2003. Through her designs she aims to regain and promote understanding of processes that have become distant in industrialisation. Her iconic Urchin pouf — so called because of it's resemblance to Sea Urchins, are made from 100% wool from New Zealand. Each one is hand knitted by the designer herself using gigantic needles 

Meindertsma is a bit of an obsessive personality being very very interested in "the products we consume and the materials they are made of". To that end she spends years researching every aspect of the material that she is working with. She has always been fascinated by wool. Her first projects consisted of working with farmers to create garments from individual animals which saw the wool of one sheep  used for the creation of one cardigan!

It takes a staggering 6 weeks to create one urchin...


These wonderful treasures can be found at one of The Kingdom favourite online boutiques - Darkroom

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Queen Marie