Swanky New Swank
Over the years we have featured Swank Jewellery a great many times. Queen Marie is particularly fond of perspex jewellery and has quite the collection of Tatty Divine and other perspex and plastic focused brands. I only own two pieces of perspex jewellery - a black ribcage necklace by a designer I've since forgotten the name of, and a Tatty Divine horse & coach necklace. My perspex game is poor.
When the creator of Swank, Becky Wignell, got in touch to tell us about her latest pieces, I knew immediately Queen Marie would be exceptionally excited about the snowflake necklace. It's winter and creeping closer to the 'c' word (I'm not ready to say it yet), so what better thing pair your winter woolies with than a snowflake around your neck or in your lugs? Nothing is better. Correct answer.
The weather might be rotten, but maybe you could imagine yourself in more tropical climes with some pineapples and greenery on your person? I think it would help.Feeling crabby? Wear it, don't say it!As a sponsor of an African elephant, this is little necklace is my jam.
If this floats your plastic boat, you can buy Swank Jewellery here and everything is under £30. Oan yerself.