Watching yet another repeat of Big Bang the other night , I laughed when Raj exclaimed "Sandy B always brings it"
For some reason that reminded me that I was well overdue for a visit to the lovely Me and Zena
Like Sandy B, Me and Zena always bring it!!!
It's been too long since I have had a good prowl around and as I expected, they didn't disappoint.
The 'Whatever' Collection made me laugh out loud. Totally perfect for stroppy teenagers and crabby old cows like me...
I should heed their sage advice and secure this ring below post haste...
And of course there was no way I could fail to include a blast of this ol classic
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejt8DbNBrDo]
But the thing that made me laugh loudest of all was this little banner on the website...
Today I look and feel rough enough to easily pass for someone's Grandma!
Queen Marie