You're Off Your (Knicker)Rocker!

There comes a point in a ladies life when the last thing she wants to see is her own backside. I've definitely reached that stage. My days of sexy little strappy numbers are long gone. I'm not quite at the granny pants stage, although Prince B would probably disagree with that as he frequently quips that my pants could be used as shelter, however I stand by my assertion that they are not of full granny pants proportions quite yet. Even though these days the closest I get to Agent Provocateur is when I pass it en route to M&S, there will be plenty of pert bummed youngsters out there who can still rock a quirky pair of knickers.

If I was one such girl, I'd be rocking Knickerocker all day long. I have featured the brand before, but with some new designs in her Etsy shop, it's worth a second feature for sure.

Adorn your derriere with some sweet-toothed goodies, such as rainbow cake, donut or cupcake perhaps?

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Perhaps you don't have a sweet tooth so how about some cute little animals? The striped kitty comes with a matching cropped top.


My personal fave, the fox, has it's own top, and dress to match the pants.

Animals or baked good, Knickerocker has plenty to chose from.
