It's Friday and I have the dreaded lurgi. Oh the joys. Last night was jammies, sofa and self pity fairly early on. Today I drink disgusting juice with liquidised kale in the hope that it miraculously frees me from it's snotty clutches.
With little disposable income at the moment, my fashion choices have been simple to say the least. I have been living in jeans and t-shirts for what feels like forever, as evidenced here, here and here. My DL1961 Florence jeans and my Heather Gabel t-shirts are on constant rotation.
I've been thinking of ways to try and make these outfits feel more exciting and so have been digging through my jewellery box again, looking for long forgotten bracelets, necklaces and rings.
If I did have a decent disposable income to spend on frivolities, then one of the necklaces from our blog friend Renee Ruin's newly created Anti' collection would be top of the list. They are sterling silver and feature 3 delightfully gothic sentiments - 'Nothing', 'Nobodies' and 'NotYours'. I'd love if there was a 'Nowhere' one too, as that's more reflective of where I am just now, however I would happily have a 'Nothing' one.
One day, when that elusive full time job comes along, I'll be bagging myself one of these babies.
Get yours here for only $79.