The No Gift Gift
Ballet dream pt2
I've mentioned before that I don't really do Christmas any more. It's a time I associate with my mum, and when she died I sort of couldn't bear celebrating it. She died when I was in my 30's but right up until then she made Christmases feel the way they did when I was little. Nothing could ever replace that, so I just cancelled it basically.
Prince B and I have never bought each other gifts at Christmas though, mostly because I always spent it with my mum and he with his, so we never actually saw each other. Even though I now spend Christmas with his mum, the no gift rule stuck.
This year he surprised me though by breaking the rule and buying me something I have wanted since I started ballet - a ballerina jewellery box. But not only that, he even tracked one down that plays Swan Lake! He's a keeper.
Doing ballet as adult has been my way of making up for the fact I was never in a position to do it as a child. Had I been able to dance when I was a little, I would have had a ballerina jewellery box for sure. This was the final piece in my childhood ballet dream coming to fruition.
In addition, my Prince also bought a beautiful silver necklace with an emerald stone in it, which happens to be my birthstone.
Was Santa good to you all? (Queen Marie - medicated talc and teatowels?) Let us know what gifts you got!