walking on water...

The long-lasting love story between Fendi and Rome, its hometown, is an overwhelming and inspiring force that transcends time. A solid bond that has forged the house's soul while sparking the creativity and craftsmanship behind its successful iconic products. Fendi pays tribute to the Eternal City...where water and creativity flow liberally and relentlessly.

Last week, in honor of their 90th Anniversary FENDI staged a magical runway show, which saw the models walk on water in Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain. Especially fitting as it was Fendi, for the Fendi For Fountains project, who actually financed the 17-month restoration project of the Trevi Fountain to make the waters flow again in 2015.

The Legends and Fairytales collection really is a true fairytale come to life. The collection of 46 pieces was inspired by Danish fairytale illustrator Kay Nielsen, who painted color plates for the book Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen in 1924 and also later worked for Disney on such films as Fantasia...

I'm not going to lie, watching the video below, showing behind the scenes of the Fendi Legends and Fairytale actually brought a tear to my eye.

Fendi say that "hands make beauty" and there is so much craft, so much creativity and so much care displayed here, that my eyes were filling up. All I could think was how wonderful it must be for those young girls to be able to wear these creations , even if just for those few precious moments on the glass catwalk.

It sounds cheesy but it makes you remember that fashion really can be magical...

Queen Marie