It Means Uniform


Dots Dash is a collaborative shoe brand which sell "contemporary uniforms for city women". The dots dash in the name is morse code for the letter 'U' for uniform. Whilst the word "uniform", when associated with any label, would normally have me run a mile as it doesn't suggest individuality, I think it's a misleading word in this context as these shoes are far from basic or uniform.

Dots Dash is created by a pool of young designers, who have been recruited by the brands Push Me programme. They explain the Push me programme as "a platform for up-and-coming designers, a fast track to a head-turning fashion brand. We constantly search for young talent to join our professional team, gain experience and help bring their ideas to life."

The website however is slightly frustrating because whilst it's described as a shop, it isn't really as you can't just go ahead and buy a pair of shoes, you merely vote for the shoes you want to see produced. How long does it take to see which shoes finally get produced? Who knows. This is basically feels a lot like a Kickstarter campaign.


However, if you are patient and don't mind waiting, the shoes themselves are all made in Spain and won't cost you the earth, with all of them costing under 300 euros.