love in every line...

What a week it has been. Apologies dear friends our posting has been all over the place. Queen Michelle and I have been subject to killer project deadlines and meetings that have gone run on way way too long.

It’s always a sad week as Guy Fawkes Night is the anniversary of the day Queen Michelle lost her lovely wee mum. I’ve been struggling bad this week too and find myself on pinterest looking at ‘holy’ pictures to help me fall asleep. My pinterest is filled with the work of Brazilian illustrator Luciana Pupo.

I’m not the only one thinking about the Madonna. Ezra Miller turned heads on the red carpet last night for Fantastic Beasts 2 wearing a Genius creation from Moncler x Pierpaolo Piccioli. He rocked the hell out of it all the while looking like a medieval religious statue come to life.

 If you’ve ever wondered what a Medici would wear on the slopes, then Piccioli’s Renaissance-art inspired work offers a conclusive answer to that niche conundrum. “The purity and shapes of the Madonnas of that time fascinate me,” he elaborates. “I wanted to convey a kind of metaphysic of these Madonnas.”

The difficulty was to emulate the romance he usually weaves in the finest silks with the lightweight down-filled-nylon of Moncler. “It was challenging,” he admits, “I tried to give the jackets the essence of couture without using opulent materials, just by choosing shapes and colours. I wanted to keep pure shapes, without embroideries, using only one material.I wanted to give a different picture to the world of Moncler.”

Normal service should hopefully be resumed next week.

Thanks for bearing with us.

Much love

Queen Marie x

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