Shine on...

Some things remain eternally delicious to us, no matter what age we are.

Sparkly and shiny things will always make most of us stop and smile.

Small wonder then that with her crystal ways Sara Shakeel's is gathering happy followers  on Instagram.

Nothing is too everyday to escape her notice or be transformed in a photoshopping flurry of crystals or diamonds. Some crystals with your toast , mmm yes please.

Previously she was a dentist and in a recent interview with Forbes, she shares that she does not come from a family of artists, but rather, one of engineers, doctors, pilots, and teachers.

Even corporate marketing departments are not immune to the lure of the shiny crystals as her images created for Bally and Emirates airlines shows.

I’m even liking her non shiny collage work.

I’m finding myself more and more drawn to collage work these days. Not exactly sure why.

I’m almost tempted to break out some scissors and glue and try some in an old-school fashion myself to see what my subconscious has to say.

Queen Marie

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