Instagram Outfit Roundup


As you might have noticed, I have more or less stopped shooting outfits for the blog. They’re just a lot of work for little return so instead I’ve been shooting quick mirror selfies a couple of times a week for my Instagram. They’re much less work and I get more interaction which allows me to know what interests my followers. And mirror selfies are so blogging circa 2006. Blogging has become all about editorial worthy photoshoots and honestly, they’re exhausting so it’s nice to do these quick and dirty shots and not have to care about backgrounds, locations or compositions.

These outfits are just my daily outfits for working at home, so some are simple whilst others are a bit more fun. Lately, as you can see, it’s mostly been black and white. I’m so ready for summer and therefore have been impatiently wearing my lace and broderie pieces already. Pair them with thigh high leather bots or PVC and lace is winter ready.