She's Over-Bored And Self-Assured
It’s an understatement to say the holidays this year will be vastly different to all which have gone before. Halloween came and went last week, with kids in many places unable to go out trick or treating. I felt sad for them. Halloween was a big deal for me when I was little. I didn’t go to anyone’s houses, except my gran’s and Aunt Mary’s, but getting dressed up and going outside in the dark with my mum and seeing all the other little ghosts and ghouls was the highlight of my year.
Every single year I would dress as a witch. Every year. I never entertained the notion of dressing as anything else. I’ve loved spooky things from a very early age. Chatting to a friend the other day, we were talking about the halloween masks you got in the 70’s and 80’s. The face shredders. Plastic masks sold in local shops that were sooooo awful, looking back, but at the time when those masks hit the shops I’d spend all my pocket money on them.
Face shredders
This was the dreaded mask I had to wear!
when halloween goes bad
I recalled my worse halloween, when I was 7, and my mum forgot to get the bits for my costume, which only ever consisted of a black dress of some sort, a felt witches hat and wig which was, for some reason, always made of orange strips of paper. But that year she hadn’t gone to charity shops to find a dress, she didn’t go into the ‘big’ toy shop to get my felt hat or wig and instead I had to wear a black binbag and the crappiest of all the witches masks. I have no idea why witches masks and wigs were nearly always orange, but they were. It was a bad year for halloween.
These masks would not only give you shockingly sweaty face within minutes, the edges where so sharp that after an evening of wearing one you’d be covered in loads of little nippy cuts, like paper cuts only worse. Halloween was a labour of love in the 70’s and 80’s!
Whilst I don’t go to halloween parties or anything as an adult, I do normally get to attend a halloween ballet class, where I get to dress up and dance. But of course with no ballet classes on this year. However, I wasn’t about to let shitty Coronavirus and no ballet ruin my fun. So this year I still dressed up in a ballet modified outfit. I decided to go as a cheerleader from the Nirvana Smells Like Spirit video.
Like all my halloween costumes, I already own 99% of what I need. In this case, the only thing I had to buy was poms poms. And funnily enough these poms poms are exactly the same as the witches wigs I wore as a kid (on good halloweens!).
Tonight is Guys Fawke’s and also the anniversary of my mum’s death, which was 13 years ago today. I shall be going outside to light a sparkler for her and my dad, and one for Queen Marie’s mum and dad too.