the recalcitrant mouse...


Hope this finds you all safe and well.

So here we are on Day 2 of The Lockdown. Safe to say we’re all in The Twilight Zone now.

At work on Monday, we dismantled the studio and moved everything home so that we can work remotely.

Thanks to The Gavster, the computers and even the new printer is now up and running. Needless to say, looking at them all in a new light, those screens are filthy, I will need to give them a good clean.

Everything is working well except for one of my mice. He is not playing ball at all. Refusing to work on the mousemat, desktop or a whole range of other surfaces I have tried him on. As a long shot I tried him on the tape strip of a big brown box and bingo. Yet another mouse sent to test my patience.

Between all the stuff I have brought round from my Mum and Dads house recently and all my normal treasures, I feel like I am sitting in a gift shop. As I look up to my right I am being watched over by a fine selection of bunnies and all the wonderful felted creatures that Queen Michelle has made for me over the years.

There is even a cowbell there. I can maybe ring it in celebration when this is all over.

As requested by Linda B here is a close up of all the little creatures she has made. J

Just look at those faces, they look like they are saying - The Gang’s All Here…

In the meantime, if we can’t leave our houses why don’t we all take the chance to look round some of the worlds wonderful museums online and marvel at all the glorious things we shall surely take time to see in real life once we are all liberated.

I’m going to start with Frida Kahlo in the splendid Detroit Institute of Arts

I spent hours there when I went to Detroit the first time and all of this makes me even more certain than ever that another visit to Detroit is long long overdue when this pandemic is over

Stay safe. Stay Positive

Big love

Queen Marie
