stairway to heaven...

Well it’s that time of year again. Our Frances and I are in Kingfisher Cottage on our annual pilgrimage to Cellardyke.

Every year when we open the door, I am surprised again by just how narrow and steep the steps are!

They are so narrow and steep that they have signs up everywhere and emphasise it on every booking site, warning people.

“Come on Marie”, I hear you say "how narrow can they be?”

Well, so narrow that you can’t fit your whole foot on a step. You need to go up and down all the steps sideways. The cottage was originally built in 1790 so I’m guessing the fisher folk of Fife had teeny toty feet back then…

However being careful how you go up and downstairs is a small price to pay when you can open the back door and see that little magic door at the bottom of the garden that takes you right out to the blustery sea and the rocks.

There is nothing better than walking out there was the wind so bracing that you feel it pulling your face off.

Off to St Andrews today to have a wee look at some Pret Pour Partir coats.

Have a lovely weekend and take care on the stairs everyone.

Queen Marie x