We all need an Amabie...

Until yesterday I had never heard of an Amabie.

Today I think we should all have one.

An Amabie is a three-legged mermaid or merman with long hair and beak.

The Amabie falls within the tradition of the yōkai—which is a supernatural monster or spirit in Japanese culture— and is said to have appeared from the waters near Kumamoto. The mythical tale states that the scale-covered creature emerged from the sea to tell prophecies about the upcoming harvests and potential destruction from disease.

In the case of an epidemic, legend has it that people are supposed to draw the Amabie and share it with everyone who is ill.

So as you can imagine, In response to this god forsaken coronavirus outbreak, Twitter and Instagram are filling up with wonderful illustrations, drawing, paintings, sculptures and even embroidered versions ( looking at you Linda B for this one)

I’m thinking we should ask Queen Michelle to paint one for us all, to help keep us safe in these frightening days.

Queen Marie


ps - I’m sorry I’ve just hit a wrong key and have lost all the links/credits to the works above. So apologies to the creators of these wonderful images. I shall retrace my steps and try to find them all again and get them up tonight.