Forest Lungs...


In the last few months I think I have slowly come to a very strange conclusion.

Along with all the other unwelcome surprises of ageing, Im starting to think your sense of smell changes too.

Perfumes that I have always loved, now all just smell slightly different or distinctly underwhelming. Trying to find a new perfume that I really love is becoming almost impossible. Because of lockdown I’ve been buying lots of samples but NONE of them are floating my boat.

Reading about Forest Lungs by The Nue Co I am intrigued by this because I’m wondering if it might smell like my beloved Filles en Aigulles ( which Serge Leutens now want an obscene £260.00 for. I refuse to pay that for a new fancy bottle, last year I could buy a bottle for £90)

FOREST LUNGS is being described as a “Fragrance Infused With Nature’s Healing Effects”

Seeking to recreate the sense of wellbeing that is experienced when being surrounded by nature, The Nue Co. recently debuted its latest unisex fragrance supplement created in partnership with world-renowned perfumer Guillaume Flavigny.

The fragrance connects customers with the forest to support their physiological and psychological health, naturally reducing everyday stress and anxiety.


They say it’s a universal anti-stress fragrance with woody notes, clear resin and tart citrus. This combination of aromas offers the lasting, positive effect of a walk in the forest. A special olfactory chemistry and patented technology have been proven to calm the body and mind: 96% felt less stressed within thirty minutes of using Forest Lungs. 

In consumer trials, Forest Lungs was found to reduce everyday stress and anxiety within 30 minutes of use, with significant effect over a 30 day period.

- 96% felt less stressed within thirty minutes of using Forest Lungs

- 92% felt calmer within thirty minutes of using Forest Lungs

- 87% felt that their everyday stress levels were lower after using Forest Lungs for thirty days

- 91% felt their anxiety levels were reduced after using Forest Lungs for thirty days


Until I can make up mind, I shall continue to fill my lungs up with free real forest air.

Hope everyone is hanging on in there today.

Beaming out some love…

Queen Marie x