Her Cloth Laboratory


Oh how I love a quilted jacket. I have a real weakness for them. I don’t mean the nylon, puffy kind, but rather the quilted blanket style. I have two in my wardrobe and I love both. These patchwork pelageya bombers, made from remnant and vintage fabrics, with recycled wadding by from Her Clo. Lab though takes it to another wonderful level. Little House on the Prairie for the 21st century.

Her Clo.Lab. was created by apparel and graphic designer Maria Izvestkina, who was brought up in Eastern Europe, with polish, french, and finish heritage. Maria moved to Australia to study design and immerse herself in the exploration of different art and design disciplines: graphic design, textile design, art direction, apparel design, and visual communication. each of these disciplines has contributed to the birth of Her Clo.Lab, which stands for "her cloth laboratory".

Each piece designed and ethically made locally in Sydney, Australia.

Her Clo.Lab. believes in storytelling through textiles. We produce one-of-a-kind seasonless pieces of clothing and made-to-order garments. We are working only with existing resources, antique and vintage textiles and trims. With each piece, we work within zero waste production model as closely as possible.
— Maria Izvestkina