Mask up...


It’s hard to believe we have been wearing masks for almost a year now.

Something that seemed so alien then, is now just part of our every day life.

Today I thought I would share this wonderful excerpt from "Beyond Noh".

Created by Director Patrick Smith who is known for his metaphorical hand drawn shorts, as well as his experimental stop motion films, this is an animated film that rhythmically animates thousands of individual masks from all over the world, beginning with the distinctive masks of the Japanese Noh theater and continuing on a cultural journey through ritual, utility, deviance, and politics.


Beyond Noh is a film that brings worldwide cultures together. Whether used in ritual, for protection, performance, or simply for fun, masks have many meanings in human society. Animated from 3,475 individual masks and touching on politics, gender, religion and consumerism, this rhythmic film uncovers similarity in our diversity.

As I type this, the sky is blue, the clouds are white and some sun is streaming in the window.

Lovely lovely lovely.

Have a peaceful weekend and hopefully one day soon the only masks we will need will be for theatre or halloween.

Queen Marie
