At the crack of dawn...


There is no stranger time, when you are in that dream state between sleep and being wide awake.

This most peculiar of places is the inspiration for a new exhibit by the muralist Millo.

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Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giorgino, known as Millo, paints large-scale murals that feature friendly inhabitants exploring their urban setting. He uses simple black and white lines with dashes of color when necessary, and often incorporates elements of architecture into his multi-story paintings

“Just before the beginning of a new day, there’s a fleeting moment where dreams remain alive,”

 "At The Crack of Dawn" now on view at the Thinkspace Projects in Los Angeles sees his acrylic paintings center on oversized subjects who embody the transitional state between deep sleep and waking. The artworks are rendered in Millo’s signature black-and-white, cartoon style and trap the slumbering characters in stark architectural settings.

Everything is whimsical and the lines between dreams and reality are blurred, where anything and everything is possible.

The circumstances of this past year have played a huge part in the creation of this show. The initial shock of being scared and stuck gave Millo time to reconnect with his own imagination, and focus on what people globally were simultaneously doing: dreaming.


Some dreams are so strange that they stay with us long after we wake.

Hope your dream are happy ones this weekend.

You can see more work on his site and on his Instagram.

Queen Marie
