Magical Marigolds
Once again I just don’t have time to post on here anything of much value. So much so I’m considering taking a blogging hiatus for a few weeks and focusing on Instagram.
When I do get to create content at the weekend it’s always for IG, simply because it’s a more rewarding platform to share content on, but also because it requires no research as it’s just outfits I share. At the moment I’m far too busy with work to dedicate the time this blog really deserves to bring you quality content. I’m in serious danger of burning out at the moment so I need to remove things from ever-expanding list. Anyway, it’ just a thought at the moment.
In the meantime here are my marigolds.
I don’t have a garden but I do have the little space outside my French windows which allows me to put in some little containers to grow flowers. I chose marigolds because there are easy to grow and particularly good for bees. I planted them as little seeds and have excitedly watched them grow for months. They still have lots of flowers yet to bloom but it’s been amazing watching these flowers I planted as just plugs bloom into something so beautiful. When stress threatens to overwhelm me, I stand at the doors and admire my marigolds.