Spring Laps In Lilac


Learning this new sport has been a massive learning curve. Nothing in snowboarding is just for show, everything you wear has a purpose and if you choose poorly, you will have a truly rotten time on the mountain. I have made a few purchase mistakes so now I have come to know which brands really work for me personally, especially with sizing. 

Brands who are snowboarding specific such as Burton, 686, and ThirtyTwo, create awesome technical clothes and accessories that don’t just perform well but look great too and all have the fit and silhouette that works for me personally. Another brand that really works for me is Volcom which has been around since the 90’s. My favourite bib and jacket are both Volcom and keep me warm and dry both on the mountain and on the indoor snow slope.

So just for fun. I put together a little dream snowboarding setup for slushy spring laps.  This little collage features all the brands I know and love.

Not quite in keeping with this lilac-hued outfit but deserves honourable mention just because they are so amazing, are these Slayer mittens by 686. I NEED these! I can see myself rocking these with my current snowboarding closet (as small as that is). For my birthday next month, Prince B has bought me a new ThirtyTwo black and khaki bib and these gloves would be amazing with it!


As a testament to how much I love this sport, on Tuesday I took a really bad fall and bruised my tailbone and severely sprained my wrist (so much so typing this is hurting like a bastard!). One visit to A&E later and I’m bandaged up but already counting down the weeks til I can go back. When the fall happened I wasn’t able to move for a good few minutes and thought I’d broken my tailbone, but eventually, I was able to move again, so I got up and even though I wasn’t able to carry my board or strap in using my right hand as that was completely destroyed, I limped up to the top of the slope and squeezed one more lap in. That’s how I know I’m meant to do this. Roll on 3 weeks and I’ll be back on the snow (albeit with wrist guards and tailbone protection!).