Good News and New Hair...

Oh Happy Days 🙌

I am delighted to tell you that there is some blessed good news about Prince B.

Please see below what Queen Michelle posted on her instagram yesterday.

As I type this they are in Yorkshire having a well deserved holiday.

Queen Marie


New hair! Never imagined in a million years I’d get the chop again yet here we are with a bob. I needed a fresh start so that needed fresh hair. Light brown highlights with my own natural hair colour.

A big update on Prince B. He went for his biopsy and they discovered his tumour has shrunk. Another oncologist said he didnt that believe it was ever cancer and was in fact an abscess. The original oncologist says that she however does see around one patient a year who’s cancer does does shrink without treatment. But regardless of who’s right, we got our miracle. People rarely get misdiagnosed with cancer so this was truly a gift from the universe and we’re holding onto it with both hands.

He’s to go back in 6 months for another scan to see if the tumour/abscess has returned but for now, we’re thankful beyond words. I wanted to say again thank you to everyone who reached out. Those messages truly got me through one of the worst times of my life and I’m grateful to all of you. And thank you to Zoe from @girasoli_ladies1 for giving me awesome new hair once again.