The magic of moss...
Watching a wonderful a documentary about the marvel that is moss the other night , reminded me that I have never shared the enchanting work of Kim Simmonson and his Moss Children…
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
Kim Simonsson is a Finnish ceramic artist who creates “Moss People”.
A talented sculptor from a very early age, a very happy accident when working with nylon fibres to coat his folkloric figures resulted in the glorious saturated green colour that makes them look exactly like they are covered in moss. Crafted in glazed stoneware using a combination of handiwork and industrial fabrication in his studio in Fiskars Village, Finland, each figure is hand-sculpted in clay before being fired to 1,200 degrees Celsius, and then covered in epoxy and flocked with nylon.
courtesy of Jason Jacques Gallery and the artist
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
“The moss green figures blend perfectly into their natural surroundings”, Simonsson says, “just as a soft carpet of moss covers the ground, rocks and tree trunks and acts as a sort of protection”
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
These wonderful children look like they could have come straight from the pages of a Finnish fairytale or old folklore but they also have a contemporary feeling in some of their outfits and poses that is almost futuristic or even slightly dystopian. Simonsson often includes found objects into the stonework which all just further create a feeling of enchantment and rich storytelling.
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
Photography by Jefunne Gimpel, courtesy of the artist
Why not make your self a cuppa and take ten minutes just to watch this wonderful video that takes you into the world of Kim and his creations…
Queen Marie x