In a desert of sand and snow...

Like an urban Tusken Raider, the new Desert:Storm collection from Maharishi makes your mouth dry and your eyes smart just looking at the new campaign images

The irony is not lost on me that as I share pictures of sand, all around this week in Scotland has been snow. Yes snow in April. Nothing sucks like a Scottish Spring. I bought some plants for the garden and before I could even get them in the ground, they have snuffed it. Bah!

But I digress, back to the latest from Hardy.

“Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.”

Desert: Storm is the latest editorial in an ongoing series that pairs Maharishi clothing against nature’s elements. The SS16 lookbook features snapshots that portray zero visibility conditions that the unforgiving Sahara Desert is notorious for.

The series introduces Maharishi’s seasonal DPM: British Bonsai Forest camouflage pattern in three variants; Papal Woodland, Sand and Desert Blaize. The diversity of camouflage is displayed across an array of traditional utilitarian aesthetics, most noticeably the Suede Flight Jacket, Hakama Pants and the Desert Blaize/White Reversible Camo T-Shirt. All the camouflage styles in this collection are fully reversible, enabling the pattern to be worn internally for a versatile style. Other reversible styles in the collection include the Papal Woodland/Sand Reversible Camo Sweater and the Desert Camo Swim Shorts. More directional pieces in the Desert Storm editorial include the classic MA Bags that are constructed from a lightweight flight nylon across a range of neutral colour hues, including Olive, Black and Navy.

Needless to say no-one does a parka like Maharishi...

Sod all this sand, I'm away to put my snow boots back on...

Queen Marie