robots say the darnedest things...
So I finally got around to seeing Alien Covenant.
I was so looking forward to seeing this. Thinking that with two androids I was in for twice the fun. Sadly no. I think what I was really hoping for was Prometheus 2 where I would see much more of David, Shaw and The Engineeers. Hopefully that will come in Aliens Awakening in a couple of years. But if you are just looking for new aliens bursting out of any available orifice then this will be right up your street. Of course it looked glorious, David and Walter were wonderful but I was left with more questions than were answered. Damm you Ridley Scott
Obviously the lesson from any Alien film is never take your helmet off and never trust an android. You should be fine though with Inspirobot. He is "an artificial intelligence dedicated to generating unlimited amounts of unique inspirational quotes for endless enrichment of pointless human existence"
I'm very prone to a pithy saying or quote so couldn't resist seeing how Inspirobot would generate a special motivational message just for you. Some of them seem to make sense but then as you flick through a couple they start to get more absurd. But you can't stop clicking...
Of course I soon realised, it lies just like deceitful David. It told me I was its favourite user.
I'll bet it says that to all the humans...
Queen Marie