urban philosophy...

You might think with a post title like that, that perhaps I was going to talk about philosophy but no, it's Saturday, I'm not feeling that deep.

I am talking about a chair.

The Urban Philosophy chair by Nissa Kinzhalina.

What a glorious deeply pleasing thing this is.


The chair is made of transparent acrylic with a thin, black, contiguous line running along an outer edge.The line doesn’t trace all the edges of the chair, so depending on your perspective, it can look like the outline of a square (straight on) or a polygon (viewed on an angle). Either way, from afar, all one sees is lines in mid-air and the possibility of seating.


Created in collaboration with NN Design Banda, she creates furniture based on the concept of minimalist design and clean rooms. Photographed against a concrete wall, it is almost invisible. 

This is furniture as optical illusion and I'm always a sucker for those...

Queen Marie