On feathered wings...

Hello again.

Before I start, I just wanted to thank you all for your kindhearted words, flowers, emails and calls about my darling darling mum. Words can’t really express how much comfort you draw from the support of others during these dark days. Bless you all. As a family we’re just trying to get on with it because there is nothing else we can do. Some days that is easier than others. 

Needless to say I've been watching out for white feathers which in a way brings us to the wonderful work of Celapui.

We first wrote about about the work of lovely sisters Celina and Maja, who specialise in hats, scarves and gloves, all manufactured in their studio in Kraków, Poland, away back in November 2010! and then Michelle wrote about them in October 2013 in honour of a poor wee fox she watched get run over on her way to work.

Now here we are in 2018 and it’s time to write about home again.

They have taken their wonderful work to whole new levels since last we visited them.

As is the case with all gifted makers, how they start with a sketch and then turn it into an object of wonder that you can wear and cherish never fails to amaze me...

Queen Marie


Queen Michelle4 Comments