Art Attack
What Lies Beneath
So I have been a busy little painting bee, creating a few more works of art.
I find myself a little sad when I have nothing to paint, but I need to be inspired before I can commit paint to canvas. My most recent painting above was inspired by copper which, when it decays and rots, becomes covered in this beautiful blue-green verdigris. It’s as if it dies but in death transforms into something even more beautiful.
The Burning I
The Burning II
Before ‘What Lies Beneath’ I created two paintings entitled ‘The Burning I & II’. These were inspired by the witch hunts of the middle ages and all the innocent women who died during that time. The colours are like flames, burning wood and white cotton nightdresses as the women are dragged from slumber to be burned at the stake. These paintings look like they should smell of charred wood. Not the cheeriest of subjects but I just have to paint what I feel inspired by. I have tried to paint just for something to do and it always ends up with me taking a scalpel across the canvas in a tantrum, so I have learned not to paint until I feel I have a painting inside me ready to come out. That all sounds totally artwanky but it’s just how it seems to be unfolding.
These are hanging in my house just now but i’m hoping to do a painting for a friend over Christmas, I’m just awaiting him giving me a hook, something to inspire me.