Hermit Life


I feel recently all I’ve been doing is telling you that I’m really just fitting in blogging when I can, around other shit. The truth is, I just don’t get the same enjoyment out of blogging that I used to due to the drop in interactions with other people. We have the few, extremely precious to us, regular commenters who pretty much are the sole reason for even doing this now. You guys, and you know who you are, are the reason I make the time to research and write about anything at all.

I pretty much pour most of my creativity into Instagram Stories now and even then it’s entirely on my terms. I don’t give a shit about the algorithm or who likes my posts or even sees them. I make them because they let me be as creative as I want then after 24 hours they’re gone and I begin the process again…whenever I feel like it.

Instagrammers with a grid full of #ADs are all endlessly fake fawning over the bullshit they pertain to just adore…for money, meanwhile freaking out at every little change Instagram makes incase their followers don’t get to enjoy the delights of yet more paid for content. Yawn. It’s all so fucking boring. Or maybe I’m just old and jaded. But when, like me, no fucks are given about anything other than the creative process, it frees you up to truly enjoy the platform and all the people who come along for the ride with you.

Anyway, this is a long winded way of saying that in terms of outfits what you see here is all outfits I’ve shared on Instagram. I don’t even bother shooting using my DSLR now. I just use my phone. Sure, it’s weird wide angle distorts the shit out of everything, especially on your face, but who cares!

This is the outfit I shared the other day on Stories and it’s on my grid today. Anyone in Britain will know how bollocks the weather has been but since I’m a hermit now I kinda only have to make a passing nod to the weather since I only go out to buy supplies. But since it was very grey the day I shot it, I decided to use that as my colour palette.