Give them enough rope....

My Mum and Gran always used to say “old age doesn’t come itself” When I looked at a new chair or couch, my first thought was always “how it would look in the space” Their first question was always “is it comfortable to sit in?” closely followed by “how easy is it to get back up from that thing?”

Well, it looks like I’m rapidly turning into them. I looked at these wonderful chairs today and thought “yes they look glorious but I’m just not sure how comfortable they would be”

These groovy rope chairs are from the wonderful Finnish company artek who have unveiled two new designs by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec at the Stockholm furniture and lighting fair 2020.

They say -

More like a silhouette than a solid block, the Rope Chair is a line drawing translated into three dimensions, a simple artistic gesture rendered in space. Designed by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, the chair is a synthesis of contrasts: sophisticated engineering and creative expression, solid structure and flexible elements, stiff tubes and pliable rope. Made for marine use, the rope is at the heart of the chair’s unexpected comfort; a weight-bearing part of the construction, it allows the chair to adapt to those who use it. Where other chairs dictate a specific way of sitting, the Rope Chair invites creativity in posture, encouraging dynamic movement and changes in position. When the sitter rises, the chair’s frame bears the traces of the body it last supported, the imprint of a user who co-defines its shape.

I say -

Fair play boys but is it comfortable?

Queen Marie