I have been busy painting my first triptych, collectively entitled Vortex.
It’s made of 3 entirely black pieces. I wanted to really explore texture here and see if I could create art that was devoid of colour but still engaging. I’m hoping it encourages anyone who sees these pieces to want to touch them, to run their fingers over the rough surfaces.
Each canvas represents the moon, the earth, and the sea.
The Moon
The Earth
The Sea
These were so much fun to create and I think it’s because focusing on texture is very much the same way I approach fashion, so it felt really natural to me.
I used acrylic, black sand, grated charcoal and black lava dust to create the texture and the mix of matte and shiny. The black lava is actually almost glittery but hard to capture in photos. I’m definitely going to explore more single colour pieces that are entirely about the texture.
Normally people are not encouraged to touch art but I love the idea that when people come into my house they might automatically touch them, and over it time it will degrade the paintings making them look even better.