Hollie and The Alpacas...

When it comes to staying warm in winter, no one does it with more style than Hollie the Collie.

Just look at her little face below back in 2013, when she was just a puppy rocking some new snow boots.

Now a little older, she appreciates the warming comfort of an alpaca scarf. She knows that Alpaca wool, is a luxury fibre with unique properties and is eight times warmer and lighter than sheep’s wool. Hollie loves alpacas. When she went on holiday in the Lake District last year, she even had breakfast with them.

Closer to home the best place to source the loveliest alpaca goodies is Alpaca Links .

Based in St Andrews, it is owned and run by the lovely Gary and Giselle. Opened after their travels between Scotland and Peru, they discovered a lively current of new and creative Peruvian designers producing wonderful things. So they decided to bring handmade articles from South America to Scotland, adding some of Peru’s vibrant latin colour and flair to our dark streets.

Now while she is happy to wear a fluffy scarf, the hat was not so well received. I think she was worried she wouldn’t hear Gavin or Rona putting her dinner out!

My own favourite black alpaca hat was bought in the shop, 4 or 5 winters ago and is still going strong but for 2020 they have taken their pom pom hats to a new level . Now they come with detachable pom poms which you can attach to any hat in a range of lovely colours.

They are like little fluffy clouds so naturally I had to use one of Queen Michelle’s cloud paintings as a backdrop to show them to their best advantage : ]

Our Frances and I are heading up to Cellardyke for our annual weekend and we shall make a point of popping into Alpaca Links to see what else is new.

Queen Marie

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