Hitting a bum note...


Trying not to buy things during the lockdown is hard.

You can’t help but think a pretty bauble or two might take the edge off. I have managed in the main, to resist but in the spirit of disclosure, I have bought a zero waste necklace from Becky at Swank. I shall take some shots when it arrives.

But needless to say, there are some who will be spending their way through the pandemic buying things they didn’t even know they needed. Things like this -

Ladies and Gentlefrogs I give you the Gucci Guitar Case…


Yours for a mere $8,900 and available for a limited time here.

Now if that doesn’t hit a bum note. I don’t know what does.

I’m also thinking that perhaps like rock and roll, some fashion is truly for the young because I’m looking at those slip-on loafers and instead of thinking “oh how wonderful” I’m just thinking, “you’re going nowhere fast in those shoes boy and I’ll bet you put your toenails right through those lacy socks”.

But back to the guitar case, they are flogging it saying -

A modern take on the historic GG pattern, the GG Psychedelic motif decorates classic shapes throughout the Cruise 2020 collection, including the guitar case, an unexpected accessory featured on the runway. Seen throughout ready-to-wear and accessories, the monogram is presented in brightly shaded hues with a star design that creates a hologram effect.

I, on the other hand, am saying - bollocks!!!

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Here’s to another weekend staying at home. Hope you are all staying relatively sane.

Big Love

Queen Marie
