Eat your greens...


As anyone who knows me in real life, the thought of me advising anyone to eat their greens is unimaginable. I know it’s a shocker but apart from peas, I don’t really like vegetables.

But I adore the felted ones created by Moscow-based artist Nastasya Shuljak .


Nastasya has grown up in nature, enjoying the natural world around her.

Now, she's creating miniature wool sculptures of vegetables, animals and other cute creatures, and her rich childhood is really visible in her works. Plants sprout from the heads of natural spirits. Polar bears, foxes, and other critters look as if they've just stepped out of a magical wonderland.


Her transformation into a full-time toy designer began when she was still a theatre artist and art teacher.

"About 10 years ago, just before New Year's, I received an unexpected gift from my friends -- a pack of wool, I made a bear and a rabbit from it. Immediately, I fell in love with wool for its flexibility and the endless possibilities you can achieve with it. They are just little lumps of joy”

Amen to that.


As always I’ve saved my favourite ‘til last, just look at this little guy peeking out from the pot.

His little forlorn face is almost enough to make me want to try and eat some greens.

Almost ; ]


Queen Marie
