Blue Velvet


I am really having a white dress moment. And blue velvet trousers.

In autumn my uniform historically has consisted of white lace dress and usually something black on my legs, like tight of PVC, but the white dress thing was all through summer too and it showing no signs of abating. It’s just my go-to item. Nearly always worn with some kind of harness (if you’ve followed out blog for a long time, you’ll be more than familiar with the look). However last week I mixed up the formula a little and dig out my gorgeous blue velvet ruffled trousers Dusturbance and I created many years ago. I wanted a pair of electric blue velvet trousers with a ruffle that went around the leg, not up the side, so I briefed the uber talented Dusturbance and these are what she created. They are utterly beautiful.

This structured white ASOS WHITE dress with nude harness over the trousers gives my formula a different slant.
