The Pause Has Ended


I was thrilled to recently discover another beautifully handcrafted jewellery brand whose aesthetic is earthy, rough and hand-made.

This time it’s a brand that hail from Italy called Con-Fusione Gioielle, created by Stefania, a fashion architect, who from a young age created things in order to ‘make ends meet’. She went onto meet Maurizio, a designer born into a silversmithing family of two generations, and together Con-Fusione was fully realised.

The momentum that has led us to create the collections is very simple: we could not find jewelry that represents us. So we started to create jewelry, first for our pure satisfaction, and as a result of its FFF popularity and success, we decided to share our collection.

​In 2010 we opened the collection Con-fusione which was a hit in the underground fashion industry, participating in various trade fairs and acquiring important customers around the globe, from Italy to China passing through the US, despite the economic crisis and the high cost of the silver.
Then, as always, life presents other opportunities and we took a pause for thought.

The pause has ended: shake yourself, Con-fusione is back
— Stefanie & Maurizio

I have been chatting with Stefanie for a few months now as we are going to collaborate soon and I could not be more excited. We share the same taste in alternative adornments and she has as much love of the battered, worn aesthetic as I do.

The genesis of the jewelry is by lost-wax casting, an ancient technique used since the early days of the trade. Following the design, we prepared the various pieces through the modeling of the wax, and then they are transformed into silver by fusion.

Roughing and finishing of the pieces is done by hand, with manual tools and passion. Each object is unique because it will never have the same form, or the signs, or the finish of another. Our finishes and the materials used render a worn look to jewels and reduce its valuable aspect, considered little appropriate for this hard current times.

We like to admire the jewel for its artistic richness instead of its inherent preciousness.
— Stefanie & Maurizo