Spies or Fries?


Big Brother or Burger? That’s a strange choice for a Tuesday I hear you say

Today I thought I would share the launch of two examples of rebranding. Both of which made me laugh although I’m pretty certain that was not their intention.

First up from the Land of the Free I give you this - a new logo for the CIA.


Yes that CIA.

America's Central Intelligence Agency has unveiled a new identity aimed at attracting more diverse employees but has refused to disclose the designer behind its new look.


Lots of people are saying the logo reminds them of the great Peter Saville’s design for Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures cover art. They should have just have asked Peter to do it. He would have given them a logo suitable for a Government body rather than the look of a half arsed techno label.


Next up also from The Land of the French Fry, I give you a new logo for Burger King.


Hold on I hear you say, that looks exactly like the old one.

Hmmmm exactly what I said!


The new Burger King logo has been designed by the agency Jones Knowles Ritchie. It’s the Home of the Whopper’s first brand redesign in 20 years and they have gone to town on all the elements.

The brand redesign includes a new logo, packaging, restaurant merchandise, menu boards, uniforms, restaurant signage, and decor, as well as social media, digital, and marketing assets.


They are trying their very best to convince us

“We wanted to use design to close the gap between the negative perceptions people have of fast food and the positive reality of our food story by making the brand feel less synthetic, artificial, and cheap, and more real, crave-able, and tasty,”

They should have spoken to Queen Michelle. She could have redesigned them both before lunch and still have time to do her exercises and go for a walk…

Queen Marie
