Never Took A Punch


This week I have just been feeling overwhelmed. You know that way where small things mount up and you exaggerate their importance to the stage you find yourself crying for no real reason? Yeah, that. Queen Marie will tell you, I am not an emotional person but this week, with lockdown and things due to get worse, it’s even started to pick away at me now.

I have been trying to take my mind off things by creating lots of content for my Instagram and just keeping myself busy. I have been also listening to lots of music. When I find myself a bit tearful during the day, I play some loud music and dance around the house til I’m out of breath. It truly works wonders to lift the spirits.

The music influence has been filtering it’s way into my outfits for sure. I keep getting messages from people saying I look like I should be the frontwoman of a band and I see why they think that. I’m quite clearly being influenced by the music I’ve been listening to.


Every time I put on this Kooples blazer, The Blazer Polis (that would be Prince B) pipes up with “oh my god not that fucking Kooples blazer again”. Yes, that blazer again. This blazer is just perfection. I have no idea how but in the 8 or so years I’ve had it it’s somehow managed to look good through all my various dress sizes from size 6, through 8, 10, 12 and back to 8.


I’ve basically been living in variations of this outfit. It’s jeans weather, as this winter has been colder here than it has been for a while, so I’m back living in jeans but with an array of great jackets. It’s all in the attitude. And if you need to find the attitude, I suggest you get yourself a kick-ass playlist and wait for inspiration…
