Treacle Feet...

Here in The Kingdom, we have an expression for that feeling you have, when you just don’t seem to be getting anywhere, for when you seem stuck. When that happens we say you are suffering from treacle feet.

Right now it feels like we have treacle feet and groundhog day combined. We got the news today that our full lockdown has been extended until at least the middle of February.

That feeling of not ever moving forward reminded me to share with you this captivating animation from Universal Everything. The United Kingdom-based art and design studio engages in a wide range of digital projects, which you can find on Vimeo and Instagram.

Entitled Transfiguration (2020) it is a reworking of their studio classic from 2011, The Transfiguration. That version was first shown at the studio’s first major solo exhibition Super-Computer Romantics at La Gaite Lyrique, Paris. Now completely remade using the latest procedural visual effects software, the updated CGI artwork brings new life to the ever-evolving walking figure, with a new foley-based soundtrack by Simon Pyke.

Despite his many changes he never leaves the middle of the frame. He’s got treacle feet…

Talking of things moving, thankfully for the world and not just the USA, today is orange buffoons final full day in power. Many of our dear friends across the pond will not be sorry to see him go, although he could still wreak plenty havoc in 24 hours. I shudder to think who he will pardon

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Even though it has been counting down for the last four years, I only read about the Trump Countdown Clock today. This digital installation which has been counting backwards has finally reached 1.

You can read more about it here.

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Here’s hoping his last day and the transition tomorrow are peaceful.

Big Love

Queen Marie
