Happy Holiday, Happy Birthday...

Impossible though it is to comprehend, Queen Michelle is 50 years old today 🎂

To celebrate, she is spending her birthday in the glorious city of Prague and these wonderful words below are what this glorious girl has to say about her landmark birthday -

“Today I celebrate turning 50 in the beautiful city of Prague! Prince B took me away to celebrate being HALF A CENTURY OLD! Holy crap.

Everyone always asks me how I stay young. I can’t say there’s any specific secret but I can tell you that personally I never allow age to decide what I can or can’t do, wear or can’t wear, act or can’t act.

Im lucky enough also to be Gen X, which is the most badass generation by far. We are incredibly independent and emotionally resilient and have the punk rock gene meaning we just live our lives as we want.

I’ve always made my own rules whether that’s 15 or 50. So maybe that’s the secret - making your own rules. If those rules don’t come at the expense of other people, then you do you.”

Join me in sending her birthday love and here’s to making our own rules…

Queen Marie
