Drink like a fish...

Isn’t it strange how all of a sudden, you can notice something for the first time. Something that has been knocking about for years. Then once you do notice it, it appears everywhere you look.

Case in point these wonderfully playful stacking Koi fish glasses.

From what I can tell the original glasses are are made by hand from thick high-quality sodalime glass and are highly durable to last a lifetime by Gökotta. They come in this wonderful deep blue and have a distinctly mid century modern feel to them. I could be wrong, so feel free to correct me, haha.

They appear to be replicated everywhere online from high street stores to more boutique type sites. Even John Lewis have a set of them online.

Turns out that those lovely people over at Doiy in Barcelona have taken the stacking glasses idea a step further and you can get stacking puppies, cats and even a cactus..

The company Doiy was founded in Barcelona in 2009 and they regularly cooperate with up-and-coming designers and artists. Their work has two goals: Affordability and Participation. The quality products from Doiy are not only originally designed, but also affordable. Now doesn’t that make a nice change.

Are you thirsty yet?

Maybe you need a Holy Beer bottle opener and a cold beverage…

Queen Marie
