Zero To Hero


I mentioned on Wednesday that I was so inspired by AWAKE that I decided to make a DIY version of their trench coat top. So I headed off to the charity shop to see if I could find a boring old trench-coat that I could re-purpose into something far more interesting.

A visit to the Cancer Research shop and £9.99 later, I had scored myself the perfect trench to deconstruct and remake.


It was a really easy transformation to make. The first thing I did was remove the polyester lining, then I cropped the coat but asymmetrically, so that one side would be longer than the other. I then cut the sleeves short and took the belt and sewed it onto the new hem. The finishing touch was to take the flaps of the pockets and add them to the bottom of the jacket - one under the belt hem and one above. 


That's basically it. It took about 2 hours in total from start to finish and is one of those DIYs that takes relatively little effort but gives you back something awesome. It's been ages since I had either the time or the impetus to make something so I'm pleased my first one back worked out so well. It doesn't look much on the hanger but it really comes to life when it's on.

Weather permitting, I'm hoping to shoot this bad boy at the weekend.